You want to know that the water that comes out of your faucets in your home is healthy and safe to drink. There are plenty of filtration systems that can offer superior-quality water. A newer approach is a UV-C disinfection system.
UV stands for ultraviolet and includes the types of light that your sunscreen protects you against. UV-C is a very specific, short-wavelength version of UV light that can kill pathogens like germs and viruses. Today, it’s possible to harness the power of UV-C light to ensure complete water sanitation and health benefits for your whole family.
What Are Whole House UV Disinfection Systems?

UV-C light destroys many types of microorganisms. It’s regularly deployed in healthcare settings thanks to its 99.99% efficacy against viruses and “superbugs” like MRSA. Hospitals and other facilities use robots with attached UV-C lights to sweep areas and keep them sterile, minimizing the risk to both hospital personnel and patients.
In much the same way, UV-C light can disinfect water in your home. A whole-house UV disinfection system includes a UV lamp integrated into your home’s water system, sometimes in tandem with other filtration solutions. The UV light treats all the water that flows through your house to reduce the risk of pathogens.
How UV Light Disinfection Works

UV light has three primary categories. Each is defined by the wavelength of the light, which is measured in nanometers (nm):
- UV-A light, often associated with a suntan, falls in the range of 315–400 nm
- UV-B light can cause sunburn and has a range of 280–315 nm
- UV-C light has the shortest wavelength with a range of 200–280 nm
UV-C rays from the sun are completely absorbed by the ozone layer. However, with UV lamps, it’s possible to produce UV-C rays at a wavelength of 253.7 nm. This type of UV light kills most microorganisms.
This light disrupts the DNA of germs and viruses so that they can’t reproduce. Thanks to its germicidal effect, UV-C light renders microorganisms harmless, removing the health risks they normally pose.
Benefits of UV Disinfection Systems

Of course, there are many ways to sterilize water. However, most of these involve strong chemicals, like chlorine, that make water taste and smell unappealing. A UV disinfection system effectively produces clean water with no unpleasant odor or taste.
UV-C light is highly effective against a wide range of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. Whatever the microbial risks in your local area, a UV water disinfection system can ensure they don’t enter the water flow within your home.
A UV disinfection system is also simple to install and requires minimal maintenance. Many systems are also highly energy efficient, making them a cost-effective solution for budget-conscious households. UV lamps can last for up to 8,000 hours, another way in which they can minimize household sanitation costs.
Installation and Considerations

Choosing the right UV disinfection system is important to ensure a sound investment. Make sure your choice is compatible with your existing plumbing system. If unsure, speak to the manufacturer who will have the expertise to provide the right advice. They’ll ask you some questions about your home’s water system to ensure you select the right system.
If the UV filters you’re considering seem much cheaper than alternatives on the market, it could indicate that they don’t provide the necessary disinfection needed for water sanitation and health. Check the frequency of the light provided by the lamp. It should be 253.7 nm to provide the necessary germicidal effect. If the manufacturer is vague about the frequency of light or other features, it may be best to avoid that manufacturer’s products. You can also look at user reviews and testimonials online.
UV-C light doesn’t have to work on its own. You can install a UV lamp with your whole-house water system, placing it after physical water filters. Superior filtration, including sediment filters and granular activated carbon (GAC) filters, removes heavy metals, chlorine, and other substances that aren’t impacted by UV light. The UV lamp then completes the disinfection process by destroying any potentially dangerous microorganisms, for perfectly pure water.
Choose a UV-C Water Disinfection System You Can Rely On

The CDC recently estimated that waterborne disease — illness caused by pathogens in water — impacts at least 7 million people in the United States every year. The organization’s report pointed out that it’s not just drinking water that can cause illness, but also washing with contaminated water or even breathing in water droplets when in the shower or a steam room.
That’s why it’s so important to take measures to sterilize or disinfect your household’s water supply. A whole house UV-C system treats your water before it leaves the faucet — providing premium protection for your whole family. Learn more about Brio whole house disinfection systems and shop the range here.
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