Why Do I Need a Whole-House Water Filter?

Why Do I Need a Whole-House Water Filter?

You probably already have a drinking water filter in your kitchen or at your sink, which is a great first step. However, your water quality might still affect other areas of your home.

Have you ever experienced itchy skin after a shower or found mineral spots on dishes just hours after washing? These are common signs that the water you’re using may not be as clean as it seems.

A whole-house water filter goes beyond just drinking water; it helps to improve the quality of water for bathing, cleaning, and even laundry. Are you curious about how this system can benefit your home? This blog will walk you through the potential advantages.


What is a Whole-House Water Filter, Exactly?

Simply put, it’s a system installed at the point where water enters your home. Its sole purpose is to filter water as it enters your home rather than as it leaves individual spigots.

Ultimately, with this system in place, every tap and faucet connected to your main plumbing will receive clear, clean, and healthy water.

Health Benefits of a Whole-House Water Filter: The Impact on Your Body

When it comes to maintaining good health, the water you use daily is just as important as what you eat. When it’s filtered and purified, it has many health benefits.

Goodbye Contaminants and Impurities

Chlorine is usually present in municipal water as a treatment solution, but its effects on the conventional American household are far from tolerable. Beyond just irritating skin when bathing, it could also leave a tingly, bothersome sensation in your eyes and respiratory system.

With a whole-house water filter, chlorine and other harmful chemicals are kicked out before they enter the confines of your home. No chlorine equals no itchiness.

Flawless Skin, Flaunt-Worthy Appearance

Chlorine doesn’t just idly sit on your skin – it goes a layer deeper and strips it of natural oils. The outcome is dry, patchy, irritated skin that, if not tamed early enough, might make you appear older than you actually are.

Thankfully, a whole-house filter does a great job of filtering chlorine from your home’s water supply. In the end, you attain super healthy skin — with the kind of glowing appearance that’ll have heads turning.


Protection from Lead and Heavy Metals

Lead and other heavy metals are a regular find in older homes with corroded pipes. To say that these metals are harmful would be an understatement. They could possibly affect cognitive development in children, especially.

With the combo of a whole house water filter and POU RO system at drinking water points, you’ll never lose sleep wondering what dangerous contaminants your children are unknowingly ingesting.


Plumbing and Appliance Benefits: Let's Lay It Down

A whole-house water filter benefits not only your health but also your appliances.


Keeps the Buildup of Mineral Deposits at Bay

Hard water is mineral-ridden water. It’s got such high levels of calcium and magnesium that buildup in your pipes and appliances ceases to be a matter of “if” but “when.”

Over time, this build-up inevitably leads to clogged pipes, reduced water flow, and inefficiencies in appliances like water heaters and dishwashers. A whole-house water filter, which is often fitted with a softener, ensures the problem of hard water minerals will be a thing of the past.

That way, your high-priced appliances and plumbing end up lasting as long as they were initially intended.


Minimal to Zero Repair and Maintenance Costs


Mineral buildup in pipes often requires the services of an expert plumber because of the gradual wear and tear, malfunctions, or corrosion. And those don’t come cheap.

A whole-house filter fixes that.

Without the extra wear and tear in your pipes and appliances, you’ll experience far fewer breakdowns. That simply means little or none of your hard-earned money will go to maintenance or new acquisitions.


Water Quality Benefits: Say Yes to Top-Quality Water

Yes, you deserve it. But just in case you need a little nudge, check out these upsides.


Great-Tasting Water

Mineral buildup in pipes often requires the services of an expert plumber because of the gradual wear and tear, malfunctions, or corrosion. And those don’t come cheap.

A whole-house filter fixes that.

Without the extra wear and tear in your pipes and appliances, you’ll experience far fewer breakdowns. That simply means little or none of your hard-earned money will go to maintenance or new acquisitions.


No Unwanted Odors

Water containing sulfur or chlorine is downright off-putting, both in terms of taste and odor. The same cannot be said of clean, neutral water that has passed through a filter, which is what we all want.


Cleaner Clothing and Dishes

Water containing sulfur or chlorine is downright off-putting, both in terms of taste and odor. The same cannot be said of clean, neutral water that has passed through a filter, which is what we all want.


Brio Water - Your One-Stop Shop for Top-Quality Water Filtration

We don’t just sell whole-house water filters; we stock the best systems money can buy. And we do it with a smile. Learn more about our filtration systems here.

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