How Water Improves Your Brain Health  

How Water Improves Your Brain Health  

By: Baylee Maust

Our brain is one of the most magnificent and complex organs in our body. It is the keeper of all our thoughts, knowledge, and unique personalities. The information stored inside of our brains arguably makes up who we are --- which is a lot of pressure on one tiny organ.

This is why properly caring for the brain is a vitally important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Our brains can't exercise or eat healthy foods on their own, so it is our responsibility to sufficiently nourish and replenish this spectacular organ. One of the easiest (but most impactful) ways to ensure your brain maintains maximum health, is by drinking plenty of water.

Dehydration, which is caused by not drinking enough water, can have detrimental health impacts. Symptoms of mild dehydration include a dry mouth, mood swings, irregular sleep patterns, and feelings of anxiety. However, a prolonged period of dehydration can have even worse impacts on mental performance, which can lead to a severe cognitive decline.

When you’re mildly dehydrated, one symptom you may experience is a slight headache. Continue to ignore the signs of dehydration and you may develop a migraine. This type of headache can sometimes last for hours at a time, cause severe sensitivity to light, and even result in nausea or vomiting. A 2018 study reported that 40 percent of 393 participants developed painful headaches as a result of dehydration.

When we deprive the brain of water, it slowly starts to shrink and pull itself away from the inside of the skull. This inward pressure on the brain is what causes that painful, pesky headache. In fact, one study reported that dehydration was responsible for more than a two percent reduction in overall body mass; that's 3 pounds of fluid lost in a 150-pound person!

That amount of fluid loss causes your brain to not perform basic cognitive functions very well. Brain tissue shrinkage caused by dehydration can also lead to more serious mental health issues. Without proper hydration, you can risk developing a mental illness like depression, which causes a decrease in the ability to complete critical cognitive tasks.

Furthermore, dehydration in brain cells can cause toxic protein blockage, which causes a build-up of these toxic proteins in the brain. Drinking water can help clear out unhealthy toxins in the brain, but without enough water, these toxins linger and cause further damage. This study found that adults, aged 65 and older, were at higher risk of developing dementia if they were dehydrated.

Sufficient water consumption provides the brain with essential nutrients that naturally reduce stress, anxiety, fatigue, and keep the brain operating at its peak state. Hydration is a key component in replenishing those brain cells, keeping you alert, and providing you with essential chemicals that will make you feel energetic and happy. However, as important as it is to maintain your hydration status, if you drink water that is unfiltered or dirty, you could miss out on critical health benefits and negatively impact your cognitive function.

You deserve to drink water that you are confident is free of most major harmful contaminants. This Brio 300 Series Cooler is neatly compact for effortless and luxurious assimilation into your home, and is equipped with an advanced two-stage filtration process that immediately filters your home's water source so that your water will look, smell, and taste its very best!

You will notice after drinking plenty of filtered water, as well as performing routine physical activity and eating a balanced diet, that your body will reap many health benefits. Water is essential for the brain's successful functioning and keeps other organs in top shape too. Exercise and water are an amazing duo that will increase blood flow, reduce body weight, and as mentioned above, help you achieve maximum cognitive performance for a happier, healthier, and longer life!

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