woman working on a laptop at a desk, sipping on a glass of water

How Much Water Should I Drink Per Day?

It’s an eternal question. How much water should I drink per day? Is the holy grail eight glasses? What about if you’re sick or breastfeeding? And how much water is too much? If you’ve ever wondered how much water you should really be drinking each day, here we explain some hydration golden rules. Let’s dive in together.


woman drinking a glass of water


Why is water so good for us?

Water is so much more than for quenching your thirst. It helps your body function in multiple ways. From your joints to your brain and your skin to your digestion, it’s the magic potion your body can’t live without. Hydration is a real superpower. Here’s why:

  • It helps your joints stay all smooth and limber.
  • It keeps your body temperature in check (no meltdowns here!).
  • It supports your muscles so they work like a well-oiled machine.
  • It gives your skin that glow-up! It’s like a natural moisturizer from the inside out, making your skin look all radiant and fresh. 
  • It acts as brain fuel, helping you focus and think clearly. 
  • It ensures your digestive system runs like clockwork, helping everything flow smoothly.
  • It boosts your energy levels. Instead of reaching for a sugary snack, grab a glass of water. Staying hydrated can help kick fatigue to the curb.


How much water should I drink a day? 

According to the Mayo Clinic, the magic number isn’t exactly one-size-fits-all. It’s about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men and around 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women. 

But here’s the thing: these numbers aren’t set in stone. Your individual needs might vary based on all sorts of things – your size, your age, your activity level, where you live, what the weather’s like, what you eat, whether you’re breastfeeding and if you’re unwell.


How much water should I drink while breastfeeding?

When you’re in the superhero role of breastfeeding, hydration becomes even more crucial. The general guideline suggests aiming for about 16 cups (3.8 liters) of fluids a day. But remember, it's not just about plain water. Your hydration can come from fruits, veggies, and other drinks, too. 

The key is to keep that hydration flow going to support both you and your little one. Always listen to your body. If you’re thirsty, go for it – hydration is a key ingredient in your supermom journey.


How much water should I drink to flush out toxins when sick? 

We’ve all been struck down by a nasty stomach bug or waylaid by a bad cold. While water won’t magically cure you, staying hydrated is a game-changer. It helps your body do its thing, flushing out those pesky toxins and keeping things running smoothly.

There isn’t a specific magic number for flushing out toxins with water, but staying adequately hydrated is a big player in helping your body do its natural detox thing. Think of water as the ultimate cleanser. It helps your kidneys and liver flush out the germs, keeping your body systems working well. It also replaces the fluids you lose if you have a constantly runny nose or diarrhea.

If you feel like you need a detox, sipping water throughout the day can definitely lend a hand. While water won’t perform miracles, it’s essential in the battle to regain equilibrium, along with a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and going outside and moving. 


What other beverages help hydration?


jug of water with slices of lemon


It’s not just about plain ol’ water. There’s a whole squad of drinks that can step up your hydration game.

  1. Herbal teas. These tasty, warm sips are not just for calming your soul; they can also contribute to your hydration routine. 
  2. Coconut water. Packed with electrolytes, it’s like a natural sports drink without all the additives. It’s a tropical vacation for your taste buds and your hydration levels.
  3. Milk. Whether it’s dairy or a plant-based version, milk contains water, some natural sugars, and essential nutrients. It’s a win-win for your bones and your hydration game.
  4. Natural fruit juice. Just make sure it’s the real deal, not the sugar-loaded stuff. 
  5. Sparkling water. It’s bubbly, it’s fun, and it’s hydrating. Plus, it feels like a party in your mouth!

How do I know if I’m drinking enough?

Hydrating can be fun once you get the hang of it. Here are some tips to level up your hydration habits:

1. Carry a trusty water bottle

Having it by your side makes sipping throughout the day a breeze. Plus, it’s a constant reminder to drink up.

2. Set hydration goals

Sometimes, a little challenge works wonders. Set goals for how much water you want to drink by certain times during the day. It’s like a mini-game to keep you on track.

3. Flavor it up

If plain water isn’t your thing, add a splash of excitement. Drop in some fruits or herbs for a tasty twist without added sugars or funky chemicals. Read about How To Make Your Water Taste Better.

4. Create reminders

Apps, alarms, or sticky notes – whatever works for you! Set reminders to nudge you to take a sip.

5. Make it a routine

Link hydration to your daily habits. For example, drink a glass of water right after you wake up or before meals. It’ll become second nature in no time.

6. Eat your water

Fruits and veggies with high water content, like watermelon, cucumbers, and oranges, count toward your hydration goals. Snack on these throughout the day. 

7. Track and celebrate

Keep a hydration journal or use an app to track your intake. Celebrate your wins – it’s motivating.


Can I drink too much water?

Believe it or not, it’s possible to drink too much water, although it’s not a common issue for most people. Drinking excessive amounts in a short time can lead to a condition called water intoxication or hyponatremia, where the balance of electrolytes in your body gets thrown out of whack.

Normally, your kidneys do an amazing job of balancing water intake with output. But if you go overboard with water intake in a short time, your kidneys might struggle to process it all, causing an imbalance in electrolytes like sodium in your blood.

Symptoms of water intoxication can range from mild to severe, including headaches, nausea, and in extreme cases, confusion, seizures, or even coma.

It’s pretty tough to drink that much water without feeling uncomfortably full, so for most of us, it’s more about finding that sweet spot of staying hydrated without going overboard. Just listen to your body, sip steadily, and you’ll be fine.


How can I ensure the water I drink is safe and healthy?


woman in workout gear drinking a glass of water in her home


Imagine a water cooler or a filtration system right in your home. No more second-guessing the quality of the water you’re sipping. You’re in control of what you and your family are drinking. 

A Brio reverse osmosis water filtration system removes pollutants like lead from old water pipes, pesticide run-off in rural areas and byproducts of chemicals like chlorine that are used to treat drinking water. It gets rid of arsenic, nitrates and “forever chemicals”, as well as trace amounts of drugs including antibiotics and hormones. Here are some other wonderful health and lifestyle benefits.


Peace of mind

No matter your current water quality, Brio can help turn that water into the very best H2O for you and your family. Reverse osmosis filtration is an ideal way to secure your water, so you always know it’s safe. With 0.0001-micron pores, a reverse osmosis membrane can remove a broad swath of dangerous contaminants. So when you install an RO filtration system or dispenser, you ensure fresh, clean water is easily accessible. 



Proper hydration is an important complement to a healthy lifestyle. Replacing sugary or caffeinated beverages with clean purified water has countless benefits. Installing a water filter empowers everyone to make healthier hydration choices. It’s easy for all members to grab a glass, cup or water bottle and fill up. 


You’re in control

In a world where we have little control, with a water filter, you’re in charge. You know you’re hydrating your body with the purest water possible, which is essential for every cell in your body to function properly. 

Whether you’re doing the superhero gig of breastfeeding, feeling under the weather, or just tackling daily life, having that filtered water on demand is extremely convenient and beneficial. Browse Brio 4-stage reverse osmosis systems and tankless undersink reverse osmosis systems.

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