What’s the world’s best-selling soft drink? Fruit juice? Soda? Nope – it’s bottled water. But with a recommended water intake of at least two liters per day, that’s quite a bit of single-use plastics involved. And if you’re after water that tastes better and is safer and healthier than what comes out of your tap, what other option is there?
We have the answer: filtered water. Here’s why it’s time to ditch the plastic bottle and open up to the many benefits of filtered water.
Filtered water gives you peace of mind

If you’ve congratulated yourself on eating fresh, local food, and then realized that your water could still be loaded with pesticides and contaminants – we see you. Cocktails of pesticides, fertilizers and industrial chemicals make their way into sloughs, rivers, lakes, streams, aquifers, wells and even rain. And these chemicals are affecting wildlife and human health.
We get it – the more you learn, the more you worry about your own family’s water quality and future water security. With a decaying water infrastructure that received a grade of C-minus on the 2021 report card issued by the American Society of Civil Engineers, contaminants of emerging concern, and sudden disasters like train derailments, it pays to be prepared.
No matter your current water quality, Brio can help turn that water into the very best H20 for you and your family or office. Reverse osmosis (RO) filtration is an ideal way to secure your water, so you always know it’s safe. With 0.0001-micron pores, a reverse osmosis membrane can remove a broad swath of dangerous contaminants. So when you install an RO filtration system or dispenser, you ensure fresh, clean water is easily accessible.
Filtered water tastes waaaaay better
We humans are two-thirds water. We’ve got to drink it, like all the time, to stay alive. So the stuff we imbibe needs to taste good: clean, refreshing, healthy. But one of the most common complaints about tap water is its taste and odor. Yes, it’s convenient and easily accessible, but the taste can be quite off-putting in some places. The culprit is usually chlorine, which has an offensive smell but is an essential disinfectant used all around the world. Other chemicals may also be added to the water in the filtering process to prevent contamination, and unfortunately this does affect taste.
Why put up with that chemical tang? For water that’s smooth, refreshing and tastes as clean and pure as the driven snow, go RO purified. As well as being great for drinking, filtered water is also ideal for preparing baby formula, tea, coffee and cocoa as well as cooking hot cereals, soups, rice and pasta.
Filtered water is oh-so-convenient
Because an RO filtration system works with your home or office’s own water system and typically comes with a dedicated faucet, purified water is always available. There’s no need to sign up for an expensive bottle delivery service and no worries about water bottles running low.
In fact, all you need is a glass when you’re at home or in the office, and a water bottle that you like enough to use more than once when you’re out and about. The result? Extra purity everywhere you go.
Filtered water doesn’t cost the environment

Bottled water is an expensive way to stay hydrated, but it hurts the environment even more. Here are some uncomfortable facts about drinking this particular beverage from plastic bottles:
- We consume 30 billion plastic bottles of water in the US. Many billions end up in landfill, the sea or the environment.
- It takes about three times the volume of water to manufacture one bottle of water than it does to fill it.
- A huge amount of oil is used in bottled water’s production and transportation.
- Even if they’re made from recyclable plastic, plastic bottles don’t biodegrade – over a very long time, they break down into smaller fragments that contaminate soil, pollute waterways and impact on the animals that digest those plastics, some of which we then go on to eat.
A reverse osmosis filtration system or dispenser means you can kick that single-use plastics habit to the curb for good. An in-home or in-office RO system makes it incredibly easy to switch to reusable sports bottles and glasses.
Filtered water keeps you healthy
Water is essential to our mental and physical well-being. And yet it’s not uncommon for us to feel at a loss for how to stay hydrated – especially as busy, burned-out individuals. When you need to stay consistently hydrated, there’s no more foolproof strategy than a water filter. Let’s look at how to integrate the health benefits of filtered water into your life.
Foster good hydration habits
Installing a water filter empowers everyone in the household or office to make healthier hydration choices. It’s easy for all members to grab a glass, cup or water bottle and fill up.
Start the day with a big jug of filtered water with your goal water intake, and fill all your water bottles from it to monitor your progress throughout the day. Visual and physical cues like reusable water bottles or pretty glasses remind you to drink up.
And don’t forget pets and plants. They prefer (and need) fresh, clean water too.
Improve your skin and hair health
Proper hydration is an important complement to a healthy lifestyle. Replacing sugary beverages with clean purified water has countless benefits, including:
- strengthening your immune system
- reducing your risk of disease
- brightening your skin
- promoting shinier hair
- improving your digestion
- reducing your need for caffeine or sugar
- lifting your mood
- keeping your joints lubricated
Reduce fluoride in your drinking water
If you’re concerned about fluoride in your drinking water, a reverse osmosis filter or a distillation filter can remove it.
Filtered water helps you stay in control
Clean, safe water is a basic human right. But all over the world, access to decent water is unavailable, and drinking bottled water becomes a necessity. Most of us don’t buy bottled water because we really need to, but because it’s convenient and often effectively marketed as purer or tastier than tap. However, sometimes it doesn’t even come from where we’re told it does.
Bottled water is also thousands of times more expensive per gallon than what’s in the tap. In a world where we have little control, with a water filter, you’re in charge. You know you’re hydrating your body with the most pure water possible, which is essential for every cell in your body to function properly. You’re not wasting money on clever marketing tactics, trendy health fads or contributing to colossal environmental damage.
How you choose to hydrate is a major daily decision that plays a vital role in your personal health, the nourishment of your family, and beyond. Brio provides cleaner, healthier water to complement your lifestyle, help eliminate unnecessary waste, and reduce reliance on single-use plastic bottles.
At Brio you’ll discover a wide selection of high-quality reverse osmosis systems and dispensers that provide solutions to your drinking water concerns. We use only premium materials and components, and our reverse osmosis membranes are certified NSF/ANSI 58, which is the industry gold standard for the removal of TDS.
Brio offers virtually bespoke hydration solutions which means you get exactly what you want and need. Nothing more. Nothing less.
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